Warning: The content of this blog is unusually clear, direct and not for the faint-hearted!

събота, 28 март 2009 г.


Who cares about you jerk? I dont need your understanding! Stop reading my blog-it`s not for you! And just for the record, I already have them all, so don`t mess with other people`s business, mind your own!

събота, 21 март 2009 г.

късметчето ми днес...

Ако успееш да прекараш един съвършено безцелен следобед, по съвършено безцелен начин, значи си се научил да живееш.

Лин Ютанг

петък, 20 март 2009 г.

Искам Геша, искам любов, искам хармония, искам здраве, баланс, енергия... Искам да се разтопя в някой и той да се разтопи в мен... Искам светлина, музика, добра храна... Деца, животни и добри хора... Искам свободен и лесен живот за детето си, спокойни старини за майка си... Искам някой, който да ме кара да се усмихвам- дали го познавам? Не знам... Но като се видим, ще се познаем. По усмивката и очите...

неделя, 15 март 2009 г.

Hi, everyone!
I know I havent published lately, but to tell the truth I dont feel like I need to do it. I just lost the desire to express my personality this way, not only because many people heavily misunderstood me, but because I found that I want to keep my mind and awareness clear, untouched and genuine for people who will understand and support me the right way.

It`s been a long way since my first article. I started it just so, expecting nothing and I`m finishing this experiment the same way. I found many reasons to be outside and meet people in the real life-phisically, truly, in the open; taking up the challenges life offers me; closing doors bravely and confidently, as a smart and awaked person should do and continuing my way ahead, taking only the good things and memories of what I have been trough....

Now I am going to be busy 24/7 not only working but enjoying life as a young person should, because if you exhaust yourself without charging, you are not productive, creative and concentrated; you are not the best of youself! Who would need a person like that?

As a conclusion and advice I can say only one thing: Life is bad in general, lets live for the few good moments! Lets give the people, who cant manage with that support and friendship- they need it desperately! Just take a look around and you will see them- weak, ashamed, lonely..... They need us, the strong one, to teach them live a better life, to make them realize how lovely they are and how potential there is hidden in every person on this Earth! Lets make them stop killing themselves and the others.... The kill because they are not happy... The way I used to be. I can put a hand on my heart and claim that I do understand every mass killer reported in the news again and again. Why nobody asks what makes this people act like that? Why? Why it`s always their fault? It`s not, believe me, it`s our common fault. And dont ask why, because if you are intelligent enough to read this material, than you are intelligent enough to understand it!

My best merit for the period from the first to the last publication, is that I crossed the line that divides the one who need support from those who can give one! I love you all, my friends!

P.S. There is one article called "Three" that I intended to write and publish but I didn`t manage to. May be I will do it some day, because there are certain things I want you to know about my life through this time.

Good bye!

The End